Atlanta Falcon’s Defense

Look away Falcons fans, because this isn’t going to be fun. The first recipient of out “You’re Fired” award belongs to the Atlanta defense.

They say history has a tendency to repeat itself, only this time it was in more grandiose fashion. By grandiose we mean embarrassing. The Falcons’ defense just can’t be trusted with a lead after half-time. Who can ever forget that historic 28-3 blown lead in Super Bowl LI to Tom Brady and the New England Patriots? By the way, Atlanta led 21-3 at half-time of that game.

Before we keep grilling them, it is important to acknowledge that the Falcons’ defense did do something right, they’re a first half defense after all. The Atlanta defense capitalized on sloppy offensive play from the Dallas Cowboys. Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott and star running back Ezekiel Elliot both lost one fumble. Tight-end Dalton Shultz also lost another fumble for Dallas. When you recover three fumbles that is a good indicator that you won the game right? Wrong.

Why? Because the defense allowed thirty points in the second half. Hey, Falcons’ defense, I’ll give you a little advice pro bono: In order to win a National Football League game, you have to show up and play two halves, not just one.

Your quarterback, Matt Ryan, turned in a stellar performance by going 24-36, 273 yards, 4 touchdowns. Yet, you were selfish and managed to steal the spotlight from him. Unbelievable.

Hey, it’s okay. I know you didn’t want to live in the offense’s shadow. I get it. They receive all the attention with their fancy touchdowns and what not. Don’t worry I have a solution. Let’s just tell your offense to score all their points in the second half. I mean you have proven that you’re more than capable of containing a team within the first half. I’m just spit-balling here. Take it with a grain a salt.

I hope you have enjoyed your time in the limelight. Now, you have all the attention you so desperately craved.

But hey, cheer up, there’s always next week. Or not. “You’re Fired!”


Dallas Cowboys