Opinion: Why Kim NG is the Right Woman for the Marlins’ GM Job

On Friday, the Miami Marlins made a historical hire when they selected Kim Ng to be their next general manager. Ng, who is also of Asian descent, will become the first female and Asian-American general manager in the history of Major League Baseball.

Ng brings extensive baseball knowledge and experience to Miami; in fact thirty years worth of experience. Before accepting the Marlins’ general manager role, Ng worked as MLB’s senior vice president of baseball operations for the past nine seasons. She also served in the Chicago White Sox’s front office and as an assistant general manager for the Los Angeles Dodgers and New York Yankees, per ESPN.

“On behalf of Principal Owner Bruce Sherman and our entire ownership group, we look forward to Kim bringing a wealth of knowledge and championship-level experience to the Miami Marlins," Marlins CEO Derek Jeter told ESPN. "Her leadership of our baseball operations team will play a major role on our path toward sustained success.”

For those questioning whether Ng’s hire will impact the Marlin’s quest for a World Series ring, let it be known that she’s a proven winner. During her tenure as a Major League front office executive, Ng partook within front office teams that worked to win three World Series championships, six league championship pennants and eight postseason appearances, per Marlins’ Twitter page.

“My goal is now to bring championship baseball to Miami,” Ng said in a statement. “I am both humbled and eager to continue building the winning culture our fans expect and deserve.”

Ng inherits a young and talented Marlins team. However, Miami was severely injury-plagued last season which limited its chances of making a deep playoff push in the National League.

Last season was the first time the Marlins made the playoffs since 2003 and the first time since former Yankees’ shortstop, Derek Jeter, assumed the role of CEO. Ng will now have her hands full as Miami fans and players will surely be craving another playoff run after their miraculous season last year.

However, given her track record and her desire to win, Ng is the right woman for the job.

“This challenge is one I don't take lightly. When I got into this business, it seemed unlikely a woman would lead a Major League team, but I am dogged in the pursuit of my goals,” Ng said in a statement.


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