Opinion: 5 Reasons Why Trevor Lawrence should enter NFL Draft

Here are five reasons why Clemson’s starting quarterback Trevor Lawrence should leave college and enter the 2021 NFL Draft:

  1. Money

    Lawrence is arguably the most sought after collegiate quarterback in this year’s draft. It’s not too often that you can find a 6’6,” 220 pounds quarterback that possesses Lawrence’s athletic frame and talent. Returning to Clemson for a senior year could potentially mean that Lawrence leaves millions of dollars on the table. Strike the iron while it’s hot young man.

  2. Potential to start as a rookie

    The New York Jets, Jacksonville Jaguars and potentially the Atlanta Falcons are in need of a starting quarterback. Yes, rumors have spread about Lawrence’s unwillingness to be a Jet, but current Jets’ quarterback, Sam Darnold has struggled tremendously this season. Darnold has accumulated a quarterback rating of 41.2 (30th), 3 touchdowns (31st) and a mere 912 yards (30th) in seven games. The starting quarterback job is practically Lawrence’s if he chooses to sign.

  3. Risk of Injury

    Football is a collision sport and injury is almost inevitable on the gridiron. Yes, Lawrence has been able to stay healthy throughout his collegiate career, but he’s one injury away from potentially losing his NFL dream.

  4. He can always return to complete his degree

    Lawrence can always complete his degree whether it be during the off-season or after his NFL career is over. There’s no time table to finish a college degree for an NFL prospect of his caliber. But there is however, a time table to be a starting NFL quarterback.

  5. Age

    As a 21 year old quarterback, amplifies Lawrence’s learning curve and allows NFL teams to have plenty of time to groom Lawrence into a starting NFL quarterback. Not to mention, it increases his value because teams can afford to take time to develop him, instead of just throwing him into the wolves right away.

Regardless, it’s Lawrence’s decision. But hey, who knows? Maybe the Jets won’t have the first pick overall in this year’s draft. This is your time to shine, young man. Take your opportunity and run with it.


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