Aaron Rodgers

NBC color commentator Chris Collinsworth said it best on Sunday Night Football, “some people play the position, others play with the position.”

The veteran Green Bay Packers quarterback certainly fits the description. On Sunday, Rodgers obliterated the New Orleans Saints defense with his hard counts, seemingly impossible escapes and of course, his trademark passes to improve his team to 3-0 for the season.

Not having fans in attendance is a lethal weapon for a quarterback like Rodgers. The Green Bay quarterback utilized a “hard snap count” to draw the Saints off-sides multiple times. A “hard count” is when a quarterback attempts to deceive defenses by emphasizing a certain word or using an irregular rhythm. Often, this is used to draw defenders off-side but it also serves to keep defenders off-balance.

Not only did Rodgers keep the New Orleans defense off-balance, but he also frustrated them with his elusiveness and his great field awareness. Rodgers was only sacked once the entire game, per ESPN. That’s an impressive stat considering the Saints defense had six sacks through their first two games.

Finally, let’s talk about his feel and of course his arm strength. If you’ve ever have had the pleasure of watching the or will have the pleasure you can clearly notice that the guy looks like he isn’t trying when he throws the ball. A smooth flick of the wrist and all of the sudden the ball is now 40 yards downfield. Oh let’s not forget his no-look passes. I mean the guy doesn’t even have to look at you to know where he needs to throw the ball. Just unbelievable and so entertaining to watch.

Sure, the Packers need to be more efficient in the red zone and he could be a little more careful with the ball at times, but that’s all forgiven when you complete 21 out of your 32 passes, throw for 283 yards and 3 touchdowns and lead your team to a road victory against a great team like the Saints.

Congratulations Rodgers, Fire Up!


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